Monday, March 30, 2009


The always brilliant Friar Laurence has hatched another plan, this one to reunite the two lovers. In addition from the romantic notion of allowing two loves to come together, they may prove to be the best hope this city has of ending the feud between the families. The Friar has briefed me on his plans, and as much as I can, I will attempt to assist him. However, the two families have spies all across the Mediterranean, and even our correspondence is in danger of discovery, and so my hands will be tied.

In truth, I have lost all respect for the two warring families. Romeo and Juliet are, however, different. Their love for each other transcends boundaries and prejudices, the true foundation of peaceful co-existence. Although I have tried to save Romeo from certain death in Verona, I do not believe Mantua shall be safe either. My contacts in the Capulet residence have alerted me of a plan by the Lady to assasinate Romeo in Mantua. Such action is simply vile, and I have already sent a message to my contacts in Mantua, with the express purpose of protecting Romeo from harm. He is, after all, perhaps Verona's last hope.

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